Dr. Norma Cruz-Morala
Last July 21, 2001 Al, Elex and myself embarked on a hunting expedition at the Bulacan State University. The subject of the search is our Bileyds Poll winner, our beloved Norma Cruz . Were we surprised at what we have discovered. We found the subject of the expedition at the Dean's office of the College of Arts and Sciences and was truly dumbfounded to know that she is the Dean of College of Arts and Sciences at BSU. She has been the college dean for the past four years. Bilib talaga ako!!!

Dr. Norma C. Morala as she is now fondly called, transferred to BSU in 1974, she got married to a handsome engineer from Davao City in 1975 and is the proud, happily contented mother of three children. They presently reside in Alido Heights Subdivision in Malolos, Bulacan.

She is still that same always-smiling friend and teacher that we used to know in high school. You might notice  salt and pepper on her hair, but the engaging, all-comforting aura that she possessed when we were in high school has not faded through the years...it is still there.

And to Dr. Norma C. Morala please accept our heartfelt thanks for being our friend, teacher and mentor...we love you Ma'am! Where we are right now, we owe a big part of it to you.

Tsk...tsk...tsk! Nang makuhanan si Ma'm ng litrato eh sa lamay pa ng kanyang liyag.

Lahat nakangiti kasi meron tayong inialay naTGRF coffee mug kay Ma'm. Yung hindi ninyo kilala ay si Grace na younger sister ni Ma'm.